Friday, May 22, 2020

Monday Motivation Holiday Party Edition

Monday Motivation Holiday Party Edition Welcome to my weekly post called Monday Motivation! Every Monday morning, I will share with you some of my favorite links around the web. These may be about personal development, goals, career development, networking, fashion.who knows! I promise you that these tips will be a great start to your busy week and you will be able to use some of these tips at work or at home this week. Good morning!   How was your weekend?   I was able to get a great start on Christmas cards, planning a Holiday party that I am throwing with my mom and finding a great dress for my work Christmas party coming up next weekend.   I have been seeing some great posts around the web about the holidays and careers and I wanted to share them with you this morning.   Enjoy!   Here are a few things you can do between now and the end of December to take stock of your career situtation  by Forbes. The Cubicle Chick shares with us 5 tips to help you overcome the holiday blahs.   I agree that journaling or writing out your thoughts can be a much needed self-therapy!   She also shares an important reminder to relish in the time you spend with your family and friends this holiday season. Headed to a holiday office party soon?   Make sure to check out the holiday office party dress code  with 11 things you should never (ever) wear from Marie Claire. Lets face it.   Work holiday parties can sometimes be a drag.I love these tips from A Career Stylist   for surviving your company holiday party  which includes remembering to network and keep the alcohol to  a minimum. The only blind person at Christmastime is he who has not Christmas in his heart. ~Helen Keller Are you excited for your work holiday party?

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