Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Pick an Industry Before It Blows Up

Pick an Industry Before It Blows UpPick an Industry Before It Blows UpGo to the front of the line by finding the next industry or specialty about to grow and make it look like you were made to have that job.In the wake of the economic recession, pinpricks of prosperity are beginning to shine through. No single industry is necessarily bouncing back to pre-recession vigor, but there are some industry segments that are starting to get back into shape. The challenge is to identify those areas of your industry and focus your job search accordingly.Say youre an IT person who is looking for a new position. Technology is huge, overlapping every industry. Identifying the high-growth areas in tech can help you focus the companies and positions you target the language you use in your resume, cover letter and interviews and the skills you emphasize.This will require some research and an open mind. Read industry journals and blogs. Attend relevant conferences and events, and listen carefully to the buzz. What topics come up again and again?Youre going to need to do a little bit of homework, and the homework is doing some research in terms of what are the growth rates. Look for indications from industry analysts, even the stock market, in terms of where growth is appearing, said Kathleen Brush, author of Leadership = Motivation = Innovation + Productivity.Cheryl Palmer seconded the critical need for research, and recommended using the Bureau of Labor Statistics as a tool. Check out the Career Guide to Industries on the BLS Web site to find out if an industry is growing, declining or staying flat, said Palmer, a career coach, professional resume writer and founder of Call to Career. This guide will also tell you which professions in that industry are growing the fastest.Once you have identified an area of growth, its time to cast your resume in a new light.Repackage similar experiences or close experiences on a resume, said Phil Rosenberg, president of reCareered, a job info rmation site and career coaching service. You can demonstrate to an employer that you have a lot of similar experiences, while maybe not the exact experience.Rosenberg recommends taking a hard look at your resume to ensure that its reflective of what your target companies are looking for and not what your present or former employers found important.One of the things that I see consistently - and this is across industries - is that candidates tend to write a resume about whats important to themselves, rather than whats in it for the companies they are targeting, he said. That even comes down to the language used in a resume. Many times, resumes are written in the language of the old employer, using jargon and words that were typical of their former employer.Job seekers should always keep their ears open - sometimes literally - for the kind of information that will help them determine the most promising employment paths.Going back to the IT example Tim OReilly is the founder and C EO of OReilly Media and one of the people who runs the Web 2.0 Summit. He spoke about the conference, held recently in San Francisco, on the NPR radio program, All Things Considered. When asked for his opinion about the next big thing, OReilly, who is credited with coining the term Web 2.0, said, without missing a beat, the transition to mobile. He went on to discuss the applications of mobile technology that he believes will be major influences on businesses and consumers alike.Of course, OReilly isnt the only person to identify mobile as being the hottest trend in the tech industry, and All Things Considered is certainly not the only venue on which its been discussed. But thats the point Job seekers should look for convergence points and use that information to inform their search. The person who connects all of those data dots can package and promote his experience and skills so that he appeals to companies growing interest in a critical area.This strategy can, and should, be ge neralized to any industry, and can help job seekers get ahead of the curve and comfortably into a new position.Debra Donston-Miller covers work-life issues and difficult job-search situations for Ladders.

Friday, December 27, 2019

11 out-of-the-box activities that will add years to your life

11 out-of-the-box activities that will add years to your life11 out-of-the-box activities that will add years to your lifeWe all want to live rich, full and long lives. Now clearly what you do now can impact how long you live (even if it doesnt feel like it.) Things like taking care of your body, being part of happy relationships, and even laughing every day, can do wonders for your health.But are there other, elend-so-obvious things you havent even considered that could prolong your life? Achart from Information Is Beautifulthat collected data from a number of sources including various published science papers found the following can add some years.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreBe optimisticOk so this one isnt too surprising but interestingly but women who have high levels of cynicalness, even though they tend to live longer than men, are 16% more likely to die earlier.Have a long-lived maternal grandfatherWow. Seems a little random but apparently, this is a factor, especially for men.Hang out with women a lotThis is another one geared for men. If you have more gal pals, you will live longer So go grab some women. No, dont grab them. Politely and not creepily make friend with them. This one could add as many as 15-plus yearsDrink more red wine with friendsMany studies have shown that red wine, in moderation, has numerous health benefits as does being surrounded by friends. Again, though, men benefit more from this.Have more petsDogs (and I guess cats) are awesome. And our furry friends help both sexes live longer.Live in the countrySorry city dwellers, but country mice may live longer.Get promotedThats right. If you are thriving and succeeding in your career you tend to live longer.Have a long-lived siblingIf they have good genes, you probably do too.Live at a high-altitudeYou may want to consider a move to Colorado.Though it seems like more of these we re geared towards men, dont worry ladies. First of all just being a woman gives you a leg up on the life game. Other more obvious findings for pro-longed life included regular health checks, getting married, quitting smoking, eating healthy, living healthily (diet and exercise combined) and avoidingcancer and heart disease.As for things that are shaving years of your life, well some of them are pretty obvious but there are a few you may be surprised by.Sleeping too muchEven though sleep can be so wonderful, sleeping too much is not a good thing. Catching up on sleep on the weekends can actually be quite badeanstalt for your health.Sitting downAgain not surprising. Try to stand more.Eating red meatApparently one can eat too much steak.Suffering from severe mental illness, smoking and becoming obese were also listed.Go to church regularlyBringing a little faith into your life can have a positive effect.Have more orgasmsToo bad this isnt more helpful to women but this apparently makes life worth living for men. According to IIB, you should aim for 350 a year.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How to make your smartphone dependency useful

How to make yur smartphone dependency usefulHow to make your smartphone dependency usefulIts sometimes frustrating that the generation that invented bell-bottoms and Charles Manson are always moaning about how much cell phones are ruining millennial lives. Even if theyre not completely wrong.Unfortunately, researchers tend to side with your grandparents more than they dont. A study published not too long ago determined that our ability to process data, retain memory, and overall emotional intelligence is all significantly boosted when were not nursing our shiny-tiny information squares every waking second. mora broadly, the technology of convenience has undoubtedly impaired our ability to adapt to an increasingly vertiginous job market.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreBut smartphones arent evil wholesale. Of course, they arent. Its all about moderation and a proper understanding of their contribution to society.Helpers not solversMy phone has made every aspect of my life much easier. It has become a nearly impossible challenge to mitigate my shameful dependency of it. Who hasnt spent countless hours at bars, feigning authority about metaphysics after reading Emmanual Kants Wikipedia page?The extent of information available to us through our smartphones belies the impression that true intuitive knowledge is and or should be easily obtainable.The internet can be a great objective resource for information as long as we understand that asking yahoo answers how to tap dance wont make us Fred Astaire.Digital databases should be more like launching pads as far as obtaining information is concerned. You have to embrace the nitty-gritty of research to actually fund expertiseefficiently.Back in 2017, Top Hat had a chat with the assistant professor of history at Delta State University.Andrew Wegman began to become frustrated by his students over-reliance on Wikipedia. Instead of rebuking the internet as an evil of modern science, he extracted all the things that make younger generations respond so profoundly to it and then used them to his advantage. He got the idea to accompany his lessons with an interactive, digital textbook effectively bridging the gemeinsame agrarpolitik between convenience and healthy research habits.Interactive learning is a wonderful way to ensure information has an optimal impact. In this regard, electronic content can be even more beneficial than traditional textbooks. Wegman saysRealize that you have the power of technology at your disposal. If you can imagine it, it can happen. Have fun and think about what you can do to make the process of learning easier and enduring for others. Education is not something time and technology should leave in its wake.Distractions and MindfulnessAn average smartphone user checks their device 110 times a day, The Pew Research center reports that roughly 50% of Americans say they simpl y cant live without their phones. This number is composed of checking work emails, looking up symptoms, keeping up with all the latest scandals, and all the incognito tabs in between in short things intrinsically designed to distract us from some of the most important things and people in our lives.However, just like the role phones play in our acquiring of information, the burden it places on social interaction has a pretty compelling flip side. A review paper in the journal ofPerspectives On Psychological Science proposes that our addiction to our phones partly owes itself to an evolutionary desire to make connections and bonds with other people. Psychology professor and one of the authors of the study, David Sbarra, says, The draw or pull of a smartphone is connected to very old modules in the brain that were critical to our survival, and central to the ways we connect with others are self-disclosure and responsiveness.The same tools that fuel online enmity can surely have the op posite effect. If you wanted to talk to a farmer from China you could in seconds. You can pick the brains of people with perspectives radically different than your own, anytime you want. Smartphones can have a nice way of promoting social connectivity.The other side of the demented horrifying coin that is the internet comment section, is the way it forces us to exercise our empathy muscles. The power to call a guy a misguided moron with zero physical consequences comes with a specific responsibility forethought.Additionally, Ladders recently reported on a new mindfulness app, that saw users experience a 22% decrease in feelings of loneliness, and an increase of social activity by two interactions a day.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an inter view, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Two Most Important Things in an Internship

The Two Most Important Things in an InternshipThe Two Most Important Things in an InternshipA worthwhile internship is one part education and one part experience, says career expert Heatherbei Huhman, author of the book Lies, Damned Lies Internships. Actually, not quite half and halfSo in an ideal world an internship is at least 51 percent education and obviously 49 percent actually doing, practicing what youve learned. Depending on what level of education your have, at least 51 percent of it should be devoted to education as opposed to actually doing. An internship is not meant to be a job and I think that that is where people have sort of gotten off track and confused. The other part is mentor-ship. You should not just have a boss or a supervisor, like you would at a job. The idea is to be mentored by someone who is in your industry and actually practices what you are there to do so if it is a public relations internship, you should expect your supervisor to be in public relations , if it is a business development internship you should expect your mentor, or supervisor, whatever you want to call them, to be in business development because they are supposed to be there to impart wisdom on you, so you can take away a lot from the experience. And unfortunately that does not happen at too many internships.The small edge Huhman gives to the education side of the internship experience, while maintaining that experience and education are virtually of equal importance, is a savvy way of acknowledging the crucial role that internships have assumed in the career ladder, while asserting what an internship really ought to be about. The work/mentorship framing of internships also serves as a good setup for her vision of the intern not as reluctant or indentured, but as empowered.Huhmans definition of an internIntern (v) To gain business experience while contributing your already developed valuable skills an empowered team member who learns through hard work and mentorship in a dynamic business environment.Campus Splash

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Cinematographer Job Description and Career Profile

Cinematographer Job Description and Career ProfileCinematographer Job Description and Career ProfileA cinematographer also isknown as a director of photography (DP). The person in this position is the head of the camera department and responsible for capturing the photographic impression of the directors vision. While the director determines the action and blocking of a given scene, it is the DP who looks through the camera to catch the moment on film. The director gives his/her vision of a particular shot to the DP, who then translates that into how the camera will capture it. What Is a Cinematographer? The DP receives a shot list from the director and then analyzes how each scene will be lit, which camera filters and lenses to use, and the position of the camera. He will put his crew into motion to make certain they get as close as possible to what the director initially had in mind. The DP is in charge of all camera operators, camera assistants, focus pullers, and lighting cre ws. Following production, the DP is responsible for making sure the film is processed to exact specifications. Skills and Experience To be a truly memorable cinematographer, there are a few skills you will want to master Your eye Before the camera captures a shot, youneed to fully envision it in your own mind. This is a skill that needs to be developed very early.Lighting Study lighting. In everyday life, look around and see how light works to set a mood. You have to understand how to work with lighting to get the most out of your shots.Study the past Studymovies and find out what it is about certain shots that work and learn how it was accomplished.Technology Stay up on the latest photographic technology. Technological skills are great assets to have, but you also must have a passion for the craft of cinematography. At its core, cinematography is an art form. It is a craft that must be mastered. After all, it often canmake or break a movie or television program. There are nume rous examples of great movies that could have been mediocre if the cinematographer had not been up to snuff. When you begin your career, dont expect to start at the top as a DP. You will be expected to earn your way up the ladder through your hard work, passion, persistence, people skills, and lastly, your talent. Career Advice Gaining the necessary skills and experience to eventually earn a position as a DP requires doing some actual work behind a camera. Much like writers need to write to hone their craft, cinematographers must shoot scenes and small films to find out what works and what does not. Expect to start at the bottom and have no ego about it. You will gain the respect of those around you by doing so and they will be more eager to help you over the course of your career. This means your first jobs on a film crew might as a grip, for example, who provides assistance and support for camera operators. From there, you might advance to work as a focus puller, who helps mak e sure cameras are focused properly. Before advancing to the position of DP, youll certainly need to work first as a camera operator. While working your way up the ladder, do everything you can to learn from others. After all, as the old saying in Hollywood goes, the people you meet today are the people who hire you tomorrow. So, when youre on a set, learn from anyone willing to teach you. A great DP understands the workings of the entire set and is eager to learn new things.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Appeal of Example of Good Resume

The Appeal of Example of Good Resume Heres What I Know About Example of Good Resume After that very first job, however, extracurricular activities you had in college wont actually have a spot on yur resume. Lots of people made the error of joining TVI Express and now are searching for legitimate travel business opportunities. Theres a great deal in the energy of baseball that could come out. Within this modern age, getting job doesnt need to entail physically leaving your home and dressing up for a work interview. A Startling Fact about Example of Good Resume Uncovered Its fairly specific in letting them know where youd like to decide on your career and where you want to be right now. Resumes are definitely the most important thing in a persons career. If you believe that your opportunity can withstand the legitimacy test from your pastor than you have located a company that is going to be in existence for quite a while. The Benefits of Example of Good Resume Purchasing a resume writing book may be recommended, especially if it gives online updates and further advice. If youre searching to customize professional, pre-formatted resumes, have a look at our totally free downloadable templates. Well, a parte of software analyzes your resume for sure search phrases and provides you a score based how well your resume matches a predetermined collection of keywords chosen by the business youre interviewing with. If you need assistance, utilize some absolutely free web keyword tools such as Google Free Keyword Tool. Who Else Wants to Learn About Example of Good Resume? An employer would like to know that youve got the relevant skills for that specific job. Read carefully a work description and make certain employers will see in your resume everything they are searching for in an ideal candidate. If youre looking for a well-paid sustainable job in the health care sphere, you ought to think about a good specialized healthcare resume. Our customer serv ice representative-specific resume examples will allow you to focus your resume on the abilities and experience employers want to find. It is possible to create a paragraph for each and every organization youve worked in. You may also download the home loan processor resume template in Word. In case it goes longer than a few sentences the employer will feel that the applicant isnt focused. Income tax return time is a superior example. The Ideal Strategy for Example of Good Resume Youre able to use our resume building software to produce your own from scratch. Have a look at our information technology resume samples for some tips about how to present yourself as the ideal candidate. Should you need some tips on how to craft the ideal healthcare resume for your specific field, take a look at our samples and the accompanying writing guides. If you need assistance figuring out the best way to do so, have a look at our office worker resume samples and expert writing tips. You might also want to start your objective statement with a summary of your experience such as. There isnt anybody golden resume format. The GOOD example indicates a Summary that presents similar data in a manner that is significantly more meaningful to a prospective employer. You get, typically, 10 to 20 seconds to produce a very first impression by means of your resumeso make it count Lots of people find the thought of setting goals very off-putting. Trained eyes are searching for that sort of information. Example of Good Resume Explained Additionally, there are services which perform the undertaking of writing resumes but it is impossible for them to write as superior as an individual can himself. Each time you submit an application for a new job, check your resume to make sure that it is not only targeted, but in addition current. If youre attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Resume examples for an initial time job frizzigame ssdgroup us. Top Choices of Example of Good Resume One of the absolute most important things to keep in mind is to supply a great objective in the resume. A good resume objective has a lot of characteristics. It is very important to incorporate a superior objective for a resume. An objective is a brief statement that clarifies your goals about the sort of employment desired and the way in which your skills make you a nice fit. Locating a well-put-together resume example may be huge support to you as you are attempting to craft the perfect resume for yourself. Your resume isnt a life story. One of the greatest methods to separate yourself from the competition is to check at an illustration of what an awful college resume consists of. Resume advice abounds for the work seeker trying not just to make a great impression, but also to stick out from the competition. New Questions About Example of Good Resume Curriculum design is a large part of teaching. However, it can be d ifficult to know precisely what it means. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. For more ideas on how best to strengthen your program, have a look at our education and teaching resumes. Employment history Awards Received the very best instructor award for the calendar year 2007. The Ugly Side of Example of Good Resume A resume objective that could apply to anybody or any job isnt useful. If youre thinking about how to create a resume, youre in the proper location However much or what type of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. Simply executing an internet search for resume writing service will leave you with thousands of alternatives to pick from and you should know what things to look for as a way to make certain you are receiving a quality resume writer. Where to Find Example of Good Resume Our on-line paper writing service is the very best option if you prefer to get origin al papers of supreme quality. Speaking of unique, the most important aim of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for the exact saatkorn job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also known as resume verbs). There are lots of blocks of text. Once youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to know how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a highly effective accomplishment statement.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How to Ace Questions When Relaunching Careers

How to Ace Questions When Relaunching Careers By Carroll Welch - Originally posted on iRelaunchNo matter how its worded or where you hear it, if youre relaunching, youll be asked by someone to tell about yourself. It may be at a barbecue, an informational interview, a college reunion, a screening interview or a conference. Depending on the context, this question could be asked as What should I know about you?Whats your background?How can I help you today?Do you work outside the home?Tell me in your own words, who is your name?Tell me about yourself.Whether formally or casually asked, Tell me about yourself is an opportunity. When you have an articulate, confidently delivered response that takes into account what the listener wants to know, you can distinguish yourself and make a positive impression. Here are three points to help you prepare. (For convenience sake, all forms of Tell Me About Yourself will be referred to as TMAY.) BE A POWERTOFLY berhmte persnlichkeit Virtual talks for women by women to give you the edge you need to elevate your career. Includes discounts to our bootcamp parteners, invites to events and mora. Subscribe 1. Prepare. Dont wing this. Your response to TMAY is an important part of how you market yourself, just as your resume and Linked In profile are. Its hard to come up with a good response to this deceptively difficult question on the fly. By preparing bullet points in advance that youve committed to memory and can tweak and integrate into conversations as appropriate, youll be ready.2. Consider Your Audience. What a prospective employer wants to know about you is not the same as what your best friends spouse wants to know at the neighborhood holiday party. Dont reflexively tell the person what you want to tell them. Instead, think about what they might want to know and make it part of your response.Strengths. For job interviews, make sure that the beginning of your response in cludes 2-3 key features about you that would be compelling to that employer. Heres an exampleQ. Tell me about yourself. A. Im a career relauncher and project manager with 10 years of experience in pharmaceutical marketing. Ive always loved project management work because I can use my excellent organizational and technological skills to make sure that all the moving parts of a project sync. During my 7 year career break, I became a trustee for my local public library and chaired our technology committee so Ive been able to continue to use and hone those skills. Also, I welches a four year DI college athlete, and when I worked at Rose Whitney as a project manager, I was consistently recognized for my strong team orientation, and how I coordinated and communicated well with all team members, regardless of seniority.Relauncher Status. It may be okay in some circumstances to explain that youre exploring, researching or considering more than one relaunch career path. Usually, this will l ikely be in a social or casual situation or in informational interviews, but not in job interviews. An example of how to explain your undecided status as part of a TMAY response to a networking or social contact who might be able to help you isIm a relauncher and before my 10 year career break, I practiced as a health law attorney at a large law firm for 5 years. Im planning to return to work as a practicing attorney. Im currently exploring either a path to a hospital legal department position or practicing elder law at a small firm. Ive always been interested in health care and was pre-med in college. I became interested in elder law when I helped my parents navigate some challenging long term care, Medicare and estate planning issues. No Chronologies. Your response to TMAY should never be a chronological story that starts with where you were born or what you did after grad school. Instead, it should highlight who you are now and what your strengths, value adds and/or career relaun ch plans are.Mind the Time. Your TMAY response should be between 30 seconds and 90 seconds long -- at the most. Youll lose your listeners interest and attention after that.Fluid Not Static. Your TMAY response will change over time, as your goals and targets do. Check in on your TMAY response periodically to be sure that its still doing the job of conveying an accurate picture of you. 3. Practice Delivering with Confidence. Your listener in some cases may remember how you delivered your TMAY response more than what youve actually said Practice with a friend, in front of a mirror and/or with the recording feature on your phone. If youre not feeling particularly confident about your TMAY response at first, pretend With repeated delivery, youll get better.Many job searchers and relaunchers flounder when asked to tell about themselves. By nailing this question and making it a positive part of how you market yourself, youll become more memorable and compelling as a relaunch candidate.This article originally appeared on the iRelaunch blog. iRelaunch is the pioneering company in the career re-entry space with a global community of over 65,000 individuals who are in all stages of returning to work after a career break. We also work directly with more than 55 blue chip companies to create career re-entry programs. Sign up to learn more about how we can help you return to a rewarding career. From Your Site Articles PowerToFly Blog - how-to-ace-questions-when-relaunching-careers bewerbungsgesprch Questions Answered Related Articles Around the Web 25 Common Interview Questions with Pass or Fail Answers Top Job Interview Questions Monster.com 50 Most Common Interview Questions - Glassdoor Blog 31 Common Interview Questions and Answers - The Muse Aki Merced One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender pa rity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of Americ a/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in construction.br/pBut given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of kofferverstrker welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Military Divorce and Separation

Military Divorce and SeparationMilitary Divorce and SeparationEach U.S. military service has regulations that require members to provide adequate untersttzung to family members. However, without a court buchung, the military cant compel a member to pay helfende hand. Exactly what constitutes adequate supportdiffers among the services, and each branch enforces its rules a little differently. Heres how support payments are handled across the various branches. Army Family Support Rules Army Regulation 608-99, Family Support, Child Custody and Paternity, requires a soldier to provide an amount equal to the basic housing allowanceat the with dependent rate, unless a court order or written agreement provides for a different amount. If the soldier has more than one support obligation, that amount is divided equally among the supported parties. This is bedrngnis an absolute requirement, however the regulation contains provisions that allow the commander to waive requirements in certain c ases, such as when the spouse makes more money than the soldier, if the soldier is a victim of abuse, or if the family member is in jail. Air Force Family Support Rules Air Force Instruction 36-2906, Personal Financial Responsibility,does not specify a dollar amount for adequate support. In the absence of a written agreement or court order, adequate support is determined by the individual commander, based on the circumstances. Navy and Marines Family Support Rules The Naval Personnel Manual Section 1754-030 provides the following guidance to commanders for determining adequate support in the event of a nonsupport complaint, where there is no court-ordered amount, nor written agreement. Spouse only 1/3 of gross paySpouse and one minor child 1/2 of gross paySpouse and two or more children 3/5 of gross payOne minor child 1/6 of gross payTwo minor children 1/4 of gross payThree minor children 1/3 of gross pay Gross pay includes base pay and basic allowance for housing (if entitled), but does not include hazardous duty pay, sea or foreign duty pay, incentive pay, or subsistence allowance. Punishment for Failing to Pay Support If a commander does elect to punish a military member for failing to pay support, any such administrative sanctions are protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. Therefore, the commander cannot even legally inform the complainant that the member has been punished. Defense Department Family Support Enforcement Rules In addition to individual service regulations, the Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation prohibits payment of the basic allowance at the with-dependent rate to members who refuse to provide adequate support to their dependents. The regulation also contains provisions to recoup any BAH payments already made for periods of nonsupport. The best way of ensuring you receive spouse/child support from a military member is by obtaining a court order. If the member still fails to pay, you can return to court and obtain a garnishment or involuntary allotment order. This order allows you to have the support payments taken directly out of the members pay, through the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), completely bypassing the military chain of command. Keep in mind, however, that service members have certain legal protections under theServicemembers Civil Relief Act. For example, if a service member cannot appear in court due to military necessity (if the member is deployed or assigned overseas), and the commander certifies that leave is not possible, the court must grant a 90-day stay (delay) in any court action. Upon application to the court, the member can request that such stays be extended. Its best to make your complaint in writing. If you dont know where the member is stationed, you may have to use one of the militaryslocator services. Another option is to call the base locator. Each military base operates a locator service, which can release (nonprivacy act) informatio n about military members assigned to that base. Whether you elect to write or call, keep your communication unemotional and to the point. Simply state that your spouse is failing to make support payments as required by agreement, court order, etc., if applicable and military regulations, and youre requesting assistance to obtain the required support. Include all facts related to the support (date of separation, date member stopped providing support, and so on). Garnishment and Involuntary Allotments There are only two ways to involuntarily take money from a servicemembers pay for spousal support (alimony) or child support, and both methods require legal action Federal law authorizes garnishment against the pay of military members to enforce child support and alimony in accordance with state law. Garnishments may be placed against the pay ofactive-duty, Reserve, Guard, and retired military members. The procedure to obtain a garnishment order is determined by state law. However, f ederal law determines how the garnishment order is applied to military pay, that is, how service or process is accomplished, the type of pay subject to garnishment, and so forth. Unless state law specifies a lesser amount, federal law provides a limit of 50 percent of the members aggregate disposable earnings for any workweek if the member is currently supporting a second family (spouse or child) and 60 percent if the member is not supporting a second family. The percentage may be increased by 5 percent if the arrearage is 12 weeks or more. Federal Statutory Allotments for Child Support and Alimony Federal law authorizes allotments from active-dutymilitary payin order to satisfy child support and alimony obligations. Alimony alone does not qualify under this law. These statutory allotments may only be paid from active-duty pay. A statutory allotment may be initiated when child support and alimony payments are at least two months in arrears. Allotments cannot exceed 50 percent of a members pay and allowances if the member is supporting a second family. If the member is not supporting a second family, the allotment may not exceed 60 percent.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

These are the 9 signs you are dating a psychopath

These are the 9 signs you are dating a gefhrlicher irrerThese are the 9 signs you are dating a psychopathA somewhat common response, when asked why you broke up with someone, is to say your ex is a psychopath (or maybe thats just me?) but with the recent release and buzz around the Netflix filmExtremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vileabout the life of psychopath serial killer Ted Bundy (played by Zac Efron) you may wonder if you actually ever dated a psychopath? The film takes the perspective of Bundys romantic partner,Elizabeth Kloepfer (played by Lily Collins), whom he was in a relationship with for six years.Of course psychopaths do only makeup 1% of the population but they tend to favor certain states over others (watch out if you live in Connecticut, California and New Jersey.) So there is always a chance you may run into one or even find yourself in a relationship with one of them. Here are the signs to look for.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and more1. They are very charismaticDo you know those people who just draw you in? Well, that could be a psychopath. The most exciting thing for me was being able to sort of lend that Ted Bundy charisma to the part, Efron toldE nachrichtensendung of his recent role. I hope thats what comes across the most The most interesting and exciting thing for me to contribute to the movie was Ted had this thing about him, this facade, his charm, and the way that he worked with people. But all through the charm is manipulation.Ce Anderson, therapist and author ofLove TAPS,says, I cannot stress enough how strategic and manipulative and charismatic these individuals are, all the while weaving an intricate trap,2. They are pathological liarsWere not talking the occassional white lie. We mean constant lying. They have to be lying all the time in order to hide their behaviors. This is one of the defining characteristics of a psychopa th.3. The relationship moves very fastYes, it is normal, especially for older people, to have their relationships move at an accelerated speed but with psychopaths, that isnt a good thing because it is about control and invasion. There is an agenda behind it. David Gillespie, author ofTaming Toxic People The Science of Identifying and Dealing With Psychopaths At Work and At Home said, They will seem absolutely perfect. Upfront, they will tell you exactly what you want to hear and they will be exactly what you want to be. They will be the best lover youve ever had, the most sharing person.4. They bring in a third party (triangulation)After they make you feel like you are the only person in the world they bring someone else in to complicate things and make you not feel like that anymore. Usually it is an ex of some kind to reinforce that other people want them and you should be so grateful to have them.5. They expect the bestWell after all the abuse you just heard about this one may m ake you feel good (except for the fact that you are dating a psychopath) but psychopaths believe they deserve the best. They want the best looking person in the room, the most desirable and they believe that is you. They are arrogant to an extreme and think they deserve extreme success.6. They gaslight youIf you started this relationship feeling confident and now feel completely worthless there is a strong chance this person had a lot to do with it. Gaslighting means they are little by little diminishing your confidence. It can be very subtle. They know how to find your vulnerable areas and pray upon them.7. There is no real emotional attachmentPsychologist John M. Grohol, founder of Psych Central writes, They form artificial, shallow relationships designed to be manipulated in a way that most benefits the psychopath. People are seen as pawns to be used to forward the psychopaths goals. Psychopaths rarely feel guilt regarding any of their behaviors, no matter how much they hurt othe rs.8. They trap youAs part of that accelerated relationship, they will make sure you are controlled so it would be very difficult for you to escape whether this be through joint bank accounts or moving in with you immediately.9. They make you feel grateful for themThroughout the relationship, they have mostly isolated you from your social circle and friends. This makes you more focused on them and also you start to see them as the only thing you can rely on.Dr. Perpetua Neo wrote for Mind, Body, Green, This loving creature is the last person youd expect to hurt you. Unfortunately, theyre a master of manipulation, having spent their entire life perfecting the art of playing people like puppets. The transgressions grow bigger their refrain that youre crazy and ungrateful becomes stronger. A lie, repeated often enough, feels like the truth. As you feel more disconnected from others, they tell you you should be grateful theyre mucksmuschenstill there in your life.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Are You an Intrapreneur What That Means for Your Job Search

Are You an Intrapreneur What That Means for Your Job SearchAre You an Intrapreneur What That Means for Your Job Search00First, lets define the term intrapreneur. An intrapreneur is an employee who, though they work for another persons company, shares some of the best qualities of an entrepreneur.Intrapreneurs are employees who are self-starters, who take initiative, who ask questions and try new things, and who inspire the people around them to do the same. Thats all well and good for people who are already employed, but what does being an intrapreneur have to do with your job search?A survey by Post-it Brand about intrapreneurs and intrapreneurship brought up several interesting ideas that can apply to job seekers.Heres what being an intrapreneur means to your job searchA tischset of Skills to ShowcaseFirst, the skills and traits that define intrapreneurs can be incredibly attractive to potential employers. For some, intrapreneurship comes naturally. Whether its jumping into new pro jects without hesitation, coming up with new ideas easily, or rallying others to help, intrapreneurs have a set of skills that all job seekers should try to hone.Lets venture into the types of skills, habits, and traits that intrapreneurs (and those seeking to become them) should hone.The Post-it Brand survey identified these skills and habits of intrapreneursWriting down your new ideasBrainstorming solutions to business challenges (even if youre not explicitly asked to do so)Taking notes during meetingsWe think theseskills and habits are also highly related to intrapreneurshipAsking questions to learn how and why things work the way they doOffering your own ideasShowing support for others ideas you likeAnd David Williams, a contributor at Forbes.com, offers these essential traitsDont measure things by money (your worth, the attractiveness of a job, etc.).Germinate your ideas- grow and expand them, even if in your own mind.Know how to pivot and change course when its necessary.Behav e with confidence and humility.If you already have these skills, showcase them in your applications and interviews. If not, choose which ones you want to develop in yourself.A Set of Qualities to Look for in a Job or CompanyIf intrapreneurship is important to you, try to identify companies that support and foster these types of skills in their workplaces. An intrapreneurial culture is one that rewards people for digging in, asking questions, putting forth ideas, offering solutions, etc.How can you identify an intrapreneur-supportive company?Pay attention to a companys social media posts, its culture or work environment webpages, and what its employees say about the company on Glassdoor. Read the job description carefully for clues as to the type of person itslooking to hire, and how itdescribes both the role and the work environment.Youll be able to discern whats most important to thecompany, and whether itlikes to hire and develop intrapreneurs.Readers, what do you think about intr apreneurship? Do you identify as an intrapreneur? Leave a comment and let us know